Top 25 HP LoadRunner Interview Questions and Answers
Q1. What is the difference between risk and failure?Risk is potential problem that has not yet occurred but is likely to happen and that may cause the failure of the software product. |
Q2. What are different components of Load Runner tool?Load runner has following components: |
Q3. What is correlation and how do you find it?Correlation is used to find out the data which is unique for every run such as session ids, or unique ids which change every time we perform the step. They can be found out by comparing the same scripts manually or automatically in Load runner |
Q4. How many sections are there in load runner vugen?
Q5. How many logging options are available in load runner and when do we use them?
Q6. What do you mean by scenario in load runner?
Q7. How you can capture the dynamic value in load runner, explain the function used?
Q8. What does lr_abort function do in HP Load Runner?
Q9. Have you ever handled a “captcha”? What are the challenges you faced?
Q10. What is the use of “lr_paramarr_random” function and where we use it?
Q11. What is the extension of scenario file in load runner?It is saved as .lrs. |
Q12. How many check points are available in LoadRunner?We have mainly 2 check points:
Q13. How to create monitor in Load Runner?
Q14. What is the difference between HTML and URL based recording in LoadRunner?
Q15. What is 90% in Load Runner report?If you arrange 100 response times from good to bad i.e. in ascending order. The 90 percentile response time is the 90th response time. So, if 90th response time is in the acceptable range, we can say 90 out of 100 response times are in the acceptable range. Other 10 might be in the acceptable range or may not. |
Q16. If a page has 5 products and you have 5 virtual users, how will you perform click on one product??We can parameterize 5 links with sequential iteration, So that each virtual user picks one link sequentially and executes it. |
Q17. What is goal oriented scenario? What goals can be achieved through it?Load Runner provides you with five different types of goals in a goal oriented scenario:
Q18. Tell any default monitoring tool which comes with windows?
Q19. Where do you set automatic correlation options?Automatic correlation from web point of view can be set in recording options and in correlation tab. We can enable correlation for the entire script and choose either online messages or offline actions where we can define rules for that correlation. |
Q20. Have you worked on user defined functions in LoadRunner? How can we create them?Before we create the User Defined functions, we need to create the external library (DLL) with the function. We add this library to VuGen bin directory. Once the library is added, we assign user defined function as a parameter. The function should have the following format: __declspec (dllexport) char* (char*, char*)\. |
Q21. How can you debug a Load Runner script?VuGen contains two options to debug Vuser scripts:
We can also manually set the message class within the script using the lr_set_debug_message function. |
Q22. What changes can you make in run time settings of Load Runner?There are four run-time settings that can be done:
Q23. Name different selection methods while selecting data from a file in Load Runner?It can be done in 4 ways:
Q24. How can we find out database issues in our application?
Q25. What type of graphs available in Load Runner?